Monday, October 26, 2009

Traveling in the Down Economy

For those of us that have put our travel plans on hold for whatever reason(s), there is always hope.

I talked with a gentleman the other day that is about to engage in a travel business. As far as travel is concerned, he really does not have much interest. He admits that it is a very lucrative business because many people unlike himself are very interested in Travel. His interests lies in the fact that not only is it lucrative for him to attain a fantastic income but he can also help people to afford a way to travel.

I was reading just a while ago about some people that do a lot of traveling and how the economy has effected their travel plans. Now you must understand these are seasoned travelers!

One of these people talked about how he changed his expectation of money and he is now happier than he has ever been before. He quit his job, sold everything and went on the road. Another person told about their travel plans being funded off their bank interest. The interest dropped and they changed their means of expenditures. They camped more, took the bus and traveled more in off seasons so they could get better prices. They also talked about eating less in restaurants and eating where the locals ate as opposed to where the tourist ate.

This reminded me of when I was a child. We were living in Germany at the time and we had family members from New York come over to tour Europe. The tour was nicknamed "the rat run". It had that name because it went everywhere and you would pull up to a site in a bus, stop and get out, take pictures, get back in the bus and off you went!

We rescued our relatives from "the rat run", pulled them off the bus and toured with them. When we were through, we put them back on the bus at one of their stops and bid them farewell. When we came back home to New York, they commented that they had fond memories of the time they spent with us and that was the only part of the trip they remembered. Further more, the other sight seers with them told them later that they hardly remembered any of the trip. To them, it was a big blur.

The people that I was reading about were spending 6 months, a year or more on the road. Maybe that's not for you. But wouldn't you like to know how to make it more affordable?

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