Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Purpose of a Travel Business is to Travel

Why do we do what we do?

When I think of World wide Travel, International Travel or European Vacations, I drift back to my childhood. I was raised in a Military family and spent 8 of my first 10 years out of the United States. The last 5 of those years we spent in Europe.

Shortly after my sister started working, her God Father asked her to go on a European Vacation with him because he wanted to take his niece and thought it would be better if he took someone else along with them. My sister had so much fun on that trip that when she returned, she started working in the Travel Industry for one of the major airlines.

My mother was fortunate to continue to travel because of my sister's employment in the Travel Industry. We use to joke that my sister would call her on her way home saying we are going to ... My mother would have her bags packed and waiting at the door.

I didn't have the "Travel Bug" as they say but never the less, I really do enjoy traveling. I didn't have access to the Travel Discounts that are available to people in the Travel Industry so my travel was limited. NOW, it is TIME to catch up. It IS Time to DREAM again and revisit those old goals and desires.

What is your "Dream Escape"? Yesterday, I wrote about my desire to go to Tahiti. This is not the top of my list. The top of my list is to take an Alaskan Cruise and to take a Carribean Cruise. What is YOUR "Dream Escape"?

If we can help, let us know.

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