Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Attracted You to the Internet, Was it to Make Money From Home?

Think about it my friend. If you are reading this, you are either looking for information on Discount Travel or you are looking to make money from home. 

When I run across something on the Internet that involves "Spending Money", I look for one of two things.
  •  Can I get it at a Discount?
  • Can I get it at no-cost or be paid by using it?
The second part of this is where I look at a product or service from the aspect of online marketing. If you are online for the purpose of having your own home business, then you have to look at products and services from the aspect of "can I use this service and is it beneficial for me to sell it"? Years ago, I learned a very valuable lesson from someone that I signed up in a business opportunity. After she signed up, she stated, "Now I have to go and set up my Marketing System."

The Vacation World Traveler

This is the name of this Blog, but what does it mean? I made a comment the other day to someone regarding my past employment and how I had No desire to put up with some of the situations that arose in that environment. He commented back, "yea, you're retired, you don't need that!" Really, I'm not retired at all. Others think I'm retired because they don't know what I am doing here on the Internet!

The Vacation World Traveler is about living that lifestyle as if you are retired so you can do what you want. Our limiting factors are really our children's schedules. We love going up to Yellowstone National Park but we just couldn't figure out how to fit it in between baseball and school starting. Now that I am involved in a Travel Business, I'm looking forward to doing more travel and to include International Travel.

What does it take to make money from home? I will tell you this, you DO NOT just sign up and wait for the money to roll in! It does not work that way! You have to let other people know the business opportunity is available to them.  This is where the rubber meets the road. This is Network Marketing at it's best. (Not the old-school way to build an Online Business, either.) What do I mean by this? Do you really want to talk to your cousin, your brother or your mother to "Join Your Business?" Of course not. This is why the Internet has changed the face of Online Business ownership forever. Are you ready to look into an Online Business and learn how to market it online without dealing with all the negative people?

Marketing Tool
Your Own Travel Business

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