Friday, December 4, 2009

Is Your Quixtar Opportunity Taking You to the Vacations You Desire?

When you joined Quixtar, did you dream of watching others achieve levels of recognition or did you dream of going on exotic vacations?

No one getting into Network Marketing has the reality of just how much work it is going to be to become successful.

Although Quixtar has been only around for about 10 years, it is still a part of Amway Corporation that has sugnificant history in the Network Marketing Industry as one of the founders of the Industry. There may be some companies that have been around about the same time or even a little longer but none have had the impact on this industry as Amway has had.

Unfortunately, some of the same practices for marketing the business that were taught countless years ago are still being practiced today. Also, unfortunately, IF YOU KEEP DOING THE SAME THING, YOU WILL GET THE SAME RESULTS.

The hard truth of this is that the results for more than 90% of the distributors will be making less than One Hundred Dollars a months.

If this is your reality and you are willing to change it, I have a suggestion.

Many years ago (before I got my first computer), a marketing friend told me, "wait until you are online, there are so many ways to market and at no cost!" The reality of that statement has slipped away over the years and here we are. Are your dreams of walking the beaches of the world on your world vacations slipping away with the difficulties of marketing your Quixtar business?

Quixtar is the online Amway business but I am amazed that some people continue to build their businesses with the old archaic methods from decades ago. What were the results? Do you upline reminince about the good old days when they were trying to "sponsor them faster than they were quitting"?

If you build your businesses right, you will not have to worry about them quitting. But what is the right way?

The right way is to use the advanced technological advances that have been developed to assist you in marketing your business as the 1 percenters do!
                                                1 percenters

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