Friday, December 4, 2009

Is Your Quixtar Opportunity Taking You to the Vacations You Desire?

When you joined Quixtar, did you dream of watching others achieve levels of recognition or did you dream of going on exotic vacations?

No one getting into Network Marketing has the reality of just how much work it is going to be to become successful.

Although Quixtar has been only around for about 10 years, it is still a part of Amway Corporation that has sugnificant history in the Network Marketing Industry as one of the founders of the Industry. There may be some companies that have been around about the same time or even a little longer but none have had the impact on this industry as Amway has had.

Unfortunately, some of the same practices for marketing the business that were taught countless years ago are still being practiced today. Also, unfortunately, IF YOU KEEP DOING THE SAME THING, YOU WILL GET THE SAME RESULTS.

The hard truth of this is that the results for more than 90% of the distributors will be making less than One Hundred Dollars a months.

If this is your reality and you are willing to change it, I have a suggestion.

Many years ago (before I got my first computer), a marketing friend told me, "wait until you are online, there are so many ways to market and at no cost!" The reality of that statement has slipped away over the years and here we are. Are your dreams of walking the beaches of the world on your world vacations slipping away with the difficulties of marketing your Quixtar business?

Quixtar is the online Amway business but I am amazed that some people continue to build their businesses with the old archaic methods from decades ago. What were the results? Do you upline reminince about the good old days when they were trying to "sponsor them faster than they were quitting"?

If you build your businesses right, you will not have to worry about them quitting. But what is the right way?

The right way is to use the advanced technological advances that have been developed to assist you in marketing your business as the 1 percenters do!
                                                1 percenters

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Attracted You to the Internet, Was it to Make Money From Home?

Think about it my friend. If you are reading this, you are either looking for information on Discount Travel or you are looking to make money from home. 

When I run across something on the Internet that involves "Spending Money", I look for one of two things.
  •  Can I get it at a Discount?
  • Can I get it at no-cost or be paid by using it?
The second part of this is where I look at a product or service from the aspect of online marketing. If you are online for the purpose of having your own home business, then you have to look at products and services from the aspect of "can I use this service and is it beneficial for me to sell it"? Years ago, I learned a very valuable lesson from someone that I signed up in a business opportunity. After she signed up, she stated, "Now I have to go and set up my Marketing System."

The Vacation World Traveler

This is the name of this Blog, but what does it mean? I made a comment the other day to someone regarding my past employment and how I had No desire to put up with some of the situations that arose in that environment. He commented back, "yea, you're retired, you don't need that!" Really, I'm not retired at all. Others think I'm retired because they don't know what I am doing here on the Internet!

The Vacation World Traveler is about living that lifestyle as if you are retired so you can do what you want. Our limiting factors are really our children's schedules. We love going up to Yellowstone National Park but we just couldn't figure out how to fit it in between baseball and school starting. Now that I am involved in a Travel Business, I'm looking forward to doing more travel and to include International Travel.

What does it take to make money from home? I will tell you this, you DO NOT just sign up and wait for the money to roll in! It does not work that way! You have to let other people know the business opportunity is available to them.  This is where the rubber meets the road. This is Network Marketing at it's best. (Not the old-school way to build an Online Business, either.) What do I mean by this? Do you really want to talk to your cousin, your brother or your mother to "Join Your Business?" Of course not. This is why the Internet has changed the face of Online Business ownership forever. Are you ready to look into an Online Business and learn how to market it online without dealing with all the negative people?

Marketing Tool
Your Own Travel Business

Friday, November 6, 2009

How to Find Great Vacation Deals

If you are in the Travel Industry, you probably know where to find the best deals! Unfortunately, these deals are only available to the people in the Travel Industry.

Of course, I could just end this blog post right here and tell you to go get a job in the Travel and Leisure Industry! (Actually, that is exactly what I am going to tell you!)

Well, Actually, that is not what I'm going to tell you. If you wanted a job in the Travel and Tourism Industry, you would probably be printing off Resumes and getting them in the hands of the Airlines, Resorts or Worldwide Family Attraction businesses. Alternatively, you may not even want to be making a job change. And there is always the possibility that you just need to make some extra money and you are trying to find out how to make money from home. You may have even been trying to find a Home Business and just stumbled onto this article.

What I am going to introduce to you is a concept. This concept is to become a part of the Travel and Leisure Industry and participate in this lucrative $7 TRILLION DOLLAR per year Industry. 

Imagine this: You earn a $10K commission, receive a Travel Voucher worth $5K, and have right at your finger tips all the major Discount Travel that you can ever want!

Go ahead and pinch yourself because that is what you will be doing when you realize, yes you do have a piece of the Travel and Leisure Industry and you have as much freedom as you want. You want to visit Yosemite National Park in the Winter or go on a Carribean Cruise this Spring, you JUST DO IT!

What attracted you to the Internet? Was it to make money from home, learn how to have your own home business, or are you trying to find the best Discounts in Travel?

Marketing Tool
Your Own Travel Business

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Learn How to Find and Build a Business from Home in Travel and Leisure

I can quote a number of people that have stated, "If you want to make money one the Internet, you need to find something that you are passionate about and sell a product that is related to that passion.

A friend of mine told me about the Travel Business that I am in. At the time, I wasn't interested but my curiosity got the better of me. What REALLY HAPPENED is: I STARTED DREAMING AGAIN ABOUT INTERNATIONAL VACATIONS!

You may not be passionate about International Travel or going on an Alaskan Cruise so maybe making money from home in the Travel Industry is not for you. You also have to consider that all businesses are NOT the same. Years ago, I wanted to join a certain Travel Business but the cost was prohibitive. It was a great business and at this time, I can look back and be glad I didn't. It would have been very difficult to build due to the initial cost and the monthly costs. Now I have my "Travel Business" that has much more reasonable initial cost and no monthly costs.

What is it that Drives You?

You can have a "need" but you may not be able to fulfill it because you have nothing to "Drive" you to accomplish your goal. If this were the case, we wouldn't have people without food, clothing or shelter.

You may have lost your job just this month! Have you decided that's it, I give up? No way!

Sometimes we don't see someone's "Drive" until they have their back against the "WALL". Think back of a time that you had no way out and you overcame the obstacles in your path and everyone around you were amazed! I did it in college. My Freshman year, a Junior commented to me, "What are you going to do when you wash out?" That was all the DRIVE I needed to graduate 4 years later!

What about your drive?

Even if you found the "right" Business Opportunity, what do you do then? Do you know how to build a home business? Do you know what a "Marketing Tool" is? Do you know how to pick your Marketing System?

Marketing Tool
Your Own Travel Business

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to Make Money Online with Discount Travel

Someone asked me the other day, "How do you make money online?" My answer: I introduce people to a new concept of purchasing Discount Travel Packages while earning money from commissions." 

Now that's quite a mouthful of information crammed into a little sentence. Of course, this is a means of making money from home that a lot of people are looking for today. I'm not a Travel Agent and I am a Travel Agent, huh? You see, I am my own Travel Agent. Yesterday, I was talking about GOING TO TAHITI and the day before, I was talking about MAKING YOUR DREAMS A REALITY. The day before that, I was talking about CLIMBING A MOUNTAIN FOR WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY.

Earlier today, I made an entry talking about, "WHAT IS YOUR DREAM ESCAPE?"

I hate to be blunt (and this is also directed at myself) but, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ACHIEVE THIS VACATION GOAL?

The reason I wrote about Tahiti was to demonstrate how close we come to loosing these goals (or letting them go). I also stated that one of my Vacation Goals I had already let go! That goal: Take a HORSEBACK RIDING TRIP FROM COLORADO TO ALASKA!

You may just be in dire need to make money now online and really are not concerned about taking a European Vacation or a Carribean Cruise. Let me assure you, what drives us is not desperation it is aspiration.

If we can help, let us know.

 Marketing Tool
Your Own Travel Business

The Purpose of a Travel Business is to Travel

Why do we do what we do?

When I think of World wide Travel, International Travel or European Vacations, I drift back to my childhood. I was raised in a Military family and spent 8 of my first 10 years out of the United States. The last 5 of those years we spent in Europe.

Shortly after my sister started working, her God Father asked her to go on a European Vacation with him because he wanted to take his niece and thought it would be better if he took someone else along with them. My sister had so much fun on that trip that when she returned, she started working in the Travel Industry for one of the major airlines.

My mother was fortunate to continue to travel because of my sister's employment in the Travel Industry. We use to joke that my sister would call her on her way home saying we are going to ... My mother would have her bags packed and waiting at the door.

I didn't have the "Travel Bug" as they say but never the less, I really do enjoy traveling. I didn't have access to the Travel Discounts that are available to people in the Travel Industry so my travel was limited. NOW, it is TIME to catch up. It IS Time to DREAM again and revisit those old goals and desires.

What is your "Dream Escape"? Yesterday, I wrote about my desire to go to Tahiti. This is not the top of my list. The top of my list is to take an Alaskan Cruise and to take a Carribean Cruise. What is YOUR "Dream Escape"?

If we can help, let us know.

Marketing Tool
Your Own Travel Business

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Are You Going to Tahiti?

I don't really know why I just started thinking of Tahiti! I guess when you start dreaming of being a Vacation World Traveler again, these thoughts return. Yes, I said, "these thoughts return." In the 1960's, my mother used to watch this television show called, "Adventures in Paradise". Every once in a while, I would sit down with her and watch the show. It was breathe taking and adventurous. I always knew someday I would make it to the South Pacific.

How about you? You see, for me, going to Tahiti isn't a high priority on my list of "Dream Vacations" but it is never-the-less on the list. I almost forgot about this particular desire. Do you have your "local" destination vacations such as Disney Land and Disney World or some of the National Parks (my family's favorite is Yellowstone National Park)? We also live right next to Rocky Mountain National Park so we get an annual pass for just this park.

Yes, "LIFE" gets in the way! No Kidding!

We love going to Yellowstone National Park and it is not too far away so we can do this on the spur of the moment. Unfortunately, in the last couple of years, we just can't find the time even at the spur of the moment. The kids are in sports and we have a hard time working some of our vacations around their sports. This year, we are going away for Thanksgiving. This is a time we normally do not travel but you just have to make sacrifices to get your vacations in!

If you are online to secure your finances or avoid the negative aspects of this crippling economy, you might want to look into some of our marketing systems.

Marketing system

Monday, November 2, 2009

Where Dream Vacations are no Object

Have you been there before? You have vacation time and decide to stay home instead and "Paint" the house!

What is your "Dream Get Away"? If you are building a business for yourself and your family, I bet you have one (or two). My "Dream Vacation" was to take a month long trail ride by horse from Colorado to Alaska. I have now put that dream on the shelve. How many of your dreams are on the shelve now that you are older?

Recently, I decided I better start dreaming again. Do you know if you keep a goal in front of you, you will find a way to reach that goal? The problem is when a way is presented to you, you must act on it. I know a lot of people on the Internet treat life as if it were a lottery game. "Just Buy a Ticket and YOU WILL BE THE NEXT MILLIONAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't read about the people that took there bread money to buy a ticket and didn't win, do you?

I'm not talking about "LOTTERY MENTALITY" What I am talking about is making your Dreams Your Reality! I recently published an entry in this blog about chasing Elk up a Mountain on Christmas Day several years ago. I was sitting here at my computer looking out the window at a blizzard. This jarred my memory and gave me a great reflection on a time that my life felt like a Vacation.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hunting Elk by Camera Behind Pikes Peak, Colorado

Elk and Deer are very elusive animals (especially during hunting season). Other times of the year, they will walk right up to you and smile for the camera!

I'm not a hunting enthusiast and NO, I'm not against hunting either. I understand the balance of Nature and the need for hunting. But, my preference has always been the "hunt" behind the camera.

Currently, I'm sitting here looking out the window at the snowfall accumulating from a major storm system moving through. Although I no longer live in the Mountains of Colorado, I still live in Colorado and we still have our share of snow on the flatlands. Isn't it amazing how something will suddenly spark a memory?

It was December 25, 1985. I had been living in Colorado since 1977 and every year, I would go home for Christmas. This would be the first year that I would not be going home! December 1, 1985, I moved into an old ranch house that I was leasing. The house was heated by a wood burning stove. Since I had to fire up the stove several time a day, I would not be able to go home for a week as I always did.

When I moved into that ranch house, I was starting a new adventure. I did not know where it would take me but I was excited at the prospects the future held for me. Being out of work and having no prospects for a job or even a career, is something to fear or to embrace. I chose to embrace it to see where I went from there.

One of my income prospects was to sell some of my photography in local gift shops on consignment. I had a very good meeting with one shop owner that wanted to see my photography (especially wildlife photography)! I went home with mixed emotions since I concentrated mainly on scenic photography. I decided I would not let this opportunity slip by.

Christmas eve, while stoking the fire in the wood stove, I decided to give myself Christmas gift. The next day, being Christmas, I decided to spend it in the wilderness with my camera and wildlife friends. With about 2 foot of snow on the ground, I decided the best place for me to find Elk at that time of the year would be west of Pikes Peak. I found a nice little place to start climbing and off I went. I soon located a herd on the slope I was climbing. I ducked into the woods and continued to climb until I had reached the area they were in. As I came back out of the woods. with camera ready, I walked ever so cautiously. I was right in the area that I had seen them from below. They weren't there! Their trail headed up the slope some more. So, back into the woods and start climbing again!

I came out just short of where I expected them to be. It didn't matter though. They knew my every move and they were the same distance up the slope again! Although they were too far to capture the photos I was after, I checked them out through my lens. They were looking right at me and unless I was mistaken, I would swear they were laughing.

I tried 2 more times to get within range but the result was the same: I would pop out of the woods, they would have moved up slope the same distance, and they would be standing there looking at me (and I swear laughing!)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Traveling in the Down Economy

For those of us that have put our travel plans on hold for whatever reason(s), there is always hope.

I talked with a gentleman the other day that is about to engage in a travel business. As far as travel is concerned, he really does not have much interest. He admits that it is a very lucrative business because many people unlike himself are very interested in Travel. His interests lies in the fact that not only is it lucrative for him to attain a fantastic income but he can also help people to afford a way to travel.

I was reading just a while ago about some people that do a lot of traveling and how the economy has effected their travel plans. Now you must understand these are seasoned travelers!

One of these people talked about how he changed his expectation of money and he is now happier than he has ever been before. He quit his job, sold everything and went on the road. Another person told about their travel plans being funded off their bank interest. The interest dropped and they changed their means of expenditures. They camped more, took the bus and traveled more in off seasons so they could get better prices. They also talked about eating less in restaurants and eating where the locals ate as opposed to where the tourist ate.

This reminded me of when I was a child. We were living in Germany at the time and we had family members from New York come over to tour Europe. The tour was nicknamed "the rat run". It had that name because it went everywhere and you would pull up to a site in a bus, stop and get out, take pictures, get back in the bus and off you went!

We rescued our relatives from "the rat run", pulled them off the bus and toured with them. When we were through, we put them back on the bus at one of their stops and bid them farewell. When we came back home to New York, they commented that they had fond memories of the time they spent with us and that was the only part of the trip they remembered. Further more, the other sight seers with them told them later that they hardly remembered any of the trip. To them, it was a big blur.

The people that I was reading about were spending 6 months, a year or more on the road. Maybe that's not for you. But wouldn't you like to know how to make it more affordable?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Visiting Neuschwanstein Castle

If you have visited Disney Land or Disney World, I'm sure you will remember your visual experience of the "Disney Castles". When you watch a movie that is produced by Disney, you see the animated fireworks around the castle.

The Castles at the Disney resorts were inspired from Neuschwanstein Castle in Southern Germany. For most people, visiting one of the Disney Resorts is one of the "big" family vacations they will plan for. Seeing the outside of the castle at one of the Disney Resorts is mildly comparable (visually speaking) to visiting the real Neuschwanstein Castle.

Although I will not be able to post in this blog everday, I hope you will learn to appreciate the value of this blog to encourage you to look at Vacation Travel with a new perspective. I hope you will see this as encouragement to dream then to turn those dreams into reality.

Getting back to Neuschwanstein Castle, I hope to inspire you to go and visit this castle (in Germany) just as Disney Land was inspired to bring it to us. The view of the castle from the outside is tremendous and inspiring although there are vast differences in appreciation for the "real" thing.

I have been fortunate enough to have visited Neuschwanstein Castle on several occasions. I wish the same for you as well even if it is to visit this magnificent castle just once! The last time I visited there was with my wife a year after we were married. This was in the summer of 1990. I want to share one memory with you that has little significance but something that really stuck in my mind. Here it is: the main bedroom had some very spectacular carved wood everywhere in this room. Four carpenters worked on all of the wood carvings which took them a total of 14 years to complete!

I couldn't pronounce Neuschwanstein Castle so I always referred to it as : King Ludwig II's Castle. Although I really have fond memories of visiting this castle, my favorite castle has always been Heidelberg Castle (also in Southern Germany)

Happy Vacations

Saturday, October 24, 2009

When I was Swimming with the Fish

Several years ago, we took a short vacation and drove down to Arizona. It wasn't going to be anything special just an opportunity to get away for a week and relax in the sun.

There were a number of special memories about that vacation and as I dwell on it, I'm sure I could tell you more. On the way down from Colorado, we decided to drive at night and camp somewhere half way. That was going to be somewhere in Northern New Mexico. As we were leaving Colorado and heading south into New Mexico, we approached some very severe weather. This was the beginning of June and the thunderstorms were rolling. It was tough driving as we passed Santa Fe and through Albuquerque. Driving out of Albuquerque in a torrent of rain, we made the decision we were going to drive straight thru until we reached the Grand Canyon. Being tired, we decided it would be best if we stopped at the next rest stop. Fortunately, there was a truck stop so we could grab a cup of coffee.

As we were pulling of I-40 through all of the lightning and thunder, our son woke up. He looked around and said, "What was that noise?" We wer astounded that he slept through all the thunder as it was. We asked him, "What noise?" He responded, "THE NOISE I HEARD WHEN I WAS SWIMMING WITH THE FISH!"

Needless to say, we really needed to stop driving then because we were hysterical in laughter for the next ten minutes!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Life According to the Cruise

How many of us have travel dreams that are about to perish?

I met a lady and her daughter at a University football game once that gave creedence to enjoying Cruise Vacations. She stated that she loved going on Cruises and so far, she and her daughter had taken 32 cruises!

I promised my wife (years ago) that we would take that cruise to Alaska. I also promised myself before my wife and I met that I would take a Carribean Cruise.

How many dreams do we have put on hold? The kids are too young, the kids are too old, the kids have sports, wait until the last one is in college, the list goes on and on and on.

We have all kinds of excuses but what is the number 1 reason behind it all?

Someone once told me. "If you stay focussed on the goal, the facts don't matter." I didn't understand this at first but the short version is this.
If you stay focussed on the desired outcome, all of the pieces will fall into place.

I titled this "Life according to the cruise" because of the ladies with 32 cruises under their belts. One of my sisters worked all her life for the airline industry and I never thought to ask her how many cruises she has been on. Other than people in the Travel Industry, most people do not take the opportunity to take so many cruises. These 2 ladies indeed stayed focussed on their dream.

Yes, these ladies stayed focussed on their dream, the question is can you? I have to admit, I have NOT but they certainly have inspired me to get back to that focus.

Come back and visit this Blog often and maybe, I will have something that catches your interest and reminds you to fulfill that dream that you almost let slip away!